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LOCTITE SF 734 AERO - 150ml (activator for anaerobic products)



LOCTITE SF 734 AERO - 150ml (activator for anaerobic products)

LOCTITE SF 734 AERO - 150ml (activator for anaerobic products) (IDH.142468)

Product description:
LOCTITE® SF 734 is used where increased cure speed of LOCTITE® anaerobic structural products is required. It is especially recommended for applications with passive metals or inert surfaces and with large bond gaps. Further information about the product:

Directions for use:
1. Spray or brush on the activator on both mating surfaces to be bonded. For small gaps, treatment of only one surface may be adequate. Contaminated surfaces may need repeated treatment or special degreasing prior to activation to remove any dissolvable contamination.Porous surfaces may need two treatments of activator.
2. Allow the solvent time to evaporate under good ventilation until the surfaces are completely dry.
3. After activation, parts should be bonded within 30 - minutes. Contamination of the surface before bonding should be prevented.
4. Apply the Loctite anaerobic product to one or both surfaces and assemble parts immediately. If activator is applied to one surface only, apply adhesive to the non-activated surface.
5. Where possible, move surfaces in relation to each other for a few seconds on assembly to properly distribute theadhesive and for maximum activation..
6. Secure the assembly and await fixturing before any further handling.

This activator is classified as HIGHLY FLAMMABLE and must be stored in an appropriate manner in compliance with relevant regulations. Do not store near oxidising agents or combustible materials. Store product in the unopened container in a dry location. Storage information may also be indicated on the product container labelling. Optimal Storage: 8 °C to 21 °C. Storage below 8 °C or greater than 28 °C can adversely affect product properties. Material removed from containers may be contaminated during use. Do not return product to the original container. Henkel cannot assume responsibility for product which has been contaminated or stored under conditions other than those previously indicated.

  • Chemical type : aldehyde-amine condensate and Organocopper compound
  • Solvent : acetone
  • Appearance: light yellow-green to amber liquid
  • Specific Gravity at 25 °C : 0.8
  • Viscosity at 20 °C, mPa·s (cP) : 3
  • On Part Life, minutes : ≤30

    Further information can be found in technical data sheet
  • Assortment